Saturday, May 26, 2007

Bought a New Car

While fighting a very serious bug, I managed to buy a new car--a Honda Fit Sport, one of the new lines of relatively inexpensive subcompact cars with good mileage like the Toyota Yaris. In a word, they are cute. The Honda Fit kind of looks like a little bulldog, short and rounded. Anyway, "raising" a car, as the Chinese idiom goes that likens the cost of a car to the cost of raising a child, will put a kink in my house buying scheme. Car payment, insurance, gas and maintenance will definitely add up as well as the attendant costs in wanting to go out more in my cute new car. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to when the car arrives in 3 weeks. These cars are in short supply. I vetted 10 dealerships and still had to special order the car at MSRP. One thing I refused to do was to pay the dealership markup.

It may be a combination of being ill (still) and the beginning of summer, but the urgency to buy a home, or at least to track the housing bubble, has faded. What will happen will happen but in the meantime...I got a cool new car!

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