Friday, April 27, 2007

The Pull of Haley's Comet

So, here I am back again after a lapse induced by too much TV. A while ago, I watched a Cold Case episode that stopped me in my tracks and prompted a deletion of some posts on this blog. So what does Cold Case have to do with my personal quest to own a home? Wellll…this Cold Case episode was about a middle class family with 100k in Bonds. The mother of the family tells her sister about the bonds in case anything happened to the couple, thinking the sister can use the money to take care of their only son. The sister, however, is married to a low-life heroin addict. He finds out about the 100K, kidnaps the kid for ransom, chickens out once the police get involved and ends up selling his nephew to a pedophile. Cue the tears: the boy dies trying to escape by swimming across a harbor. The tragic course of events initiated from an innocuous disclosure of wealth scared the beejuses out of me and triggered a bad case of paranoia. (Yes, I am one of those people highly susceptible to advertising and horror movies. Abandoned VCRs after the Ring)

I don’t even have that kind of money or kids or have sisters married to junkies but the episode struck such a chord that I immediately deleted the majority of the blog entries referring to my personal wealth (or lack thereof). In my Asian family, we are naturally reticent about money matters anyway so the TV episode just exposed my worst fears.

My original intent was to abandon this blog altogether until I had safely bought a house but I keep getting pulled back, kind of like the gravitational force of Haley’s comet. Let’s hope I post more than once in 70 years now. =P

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